As we celebrate ALO's rapidly growing worldwide distribution, including at retail giants, national and international airlines, luxury hotels and more, it is important to share with you what ALO brings to its readers and the mission it serves. ALO is the first and only Middle Eastern lifestyle magazine; an illuminating, educational and entertaining read for our community. It is written to further awareness of the glamour and culture of the Middle East, North Africa and the Mediterranean and the Middle Eastern community in the United States.
In a climate where diversity is the focus of major corporate America, governments and visionaries, ALO is the vital steppingstone toward building cross-cultural awareness and bilateral relationship toward the emerging Middle Eastern Market. Walking in the footsteps of Ebony and Latina magazines, ALO reaches one of the most influential, educated and passionate communities in the U.S. ALO represents a new marketing avenue to tap in this under-served and affluent community.
We encourage you to join our other Ambassadors, Dr. Farouk El-Baz, Director at Boston University; California State Senator George Runner; musical superstars Yuri Mraqadi, Diana Haddad, Assi Hillani and international violinist Joseph Chamaa, as we continue providing strength and inspiration to the community to turn our fondest dreams into reality.
Become an ambassador today. Email me: wafa@uniqueimageinc.com
Picture is Ambassador Casey Kasem.