The Guardian: The Chaotic and Crazy Meat Plants Around the World Struggle with Virus Outbreaks.
CBS News: US Meat Industry A Top Source of Most New COVID-19 Hot Spots
Pork is poison. So are all of the predators meat and scavenger meat that is being consumed worldwide.
The fact is that health organizations, political leaders, and the news continue to ignore the real issue here. From biblical times, it has been warned to avoid this type of food for consumption. Yet, the public and profiteers have disregarded the health consequences of consumption due to the unhealthy factors and genome that is inherent in these type of animals.
Help raise awareness and let’s seek the truth. Scientists around the globe have noted that COVID-19 has the basic characteristics of both Covid2 and MEARS. What's worse is the virus keeps inventing itself. Many have theorized that the easiest way to halt the infectious breakouts now, and in the future, is to stop consuming swine, scavengers, and predators.
The world can decide to stay in the dark, but the truth is going to remain that pork is poison and eating predators is going to continue increase the existence of deadly viruses until we stop and listen to the signs.
Voice your concern with this petition for the safety of our people, the planet, and the world. Help me raise awareness before we expedite the ruin of mankind. Let the pigs clean our planet and let’s clean our bodies from it. Let's focus on healthy food and consume only healthy meat from herbivores.
Say NO to Poison. Say NO to Pork.
Say NO to Predators and Scavengers.
See more updates here.
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