Thursday, November 26, 2020


Because of you the world can heal

Because of you, hearts can feel

Because of you, the night can shine

Because of you, the mountain will kneel

Because of you, flowers bloom in sheer

Because of you, mountains surrender

Because of you, we thrive, we grow, and we climb

Because of you, our spirit rises and conquer

Because of you, the sun shines with hope

Because of you, the earth is green

Because of you, our humanity never dies

Because of you, friends and family are a joy

Because of you, life is a gift to breathe in

Because of you, we count our blessings

Because of you, we are compassionate

Because of you, we are destined for something greater

Because of you, we exist, and we owe you all the gratitude

Thank you for everything.

For all things.

For all people.

For all the difference we make

The gifts we give and share with others

The blessings, the laughter, the sorrow, the love and the goodwill.

For you we give our thanks

Happy Thanksgiving!

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Let's Take a Few Moments to Celebrate Humanity

Who would have ever thought that a stranger will knock on our door in 2020 and enter with stealth precision? A genome that could change the entire world. Something so small and intelligent that it could bring nations to its collective knees. But is it all coincidence?

What is really strange is how the world is addressing the situation from various angles and perspectives. Like a puzzle. A perfect strategy that once could really think of many conspiracy theories if we need to break down every scenario to evaluate and investigate the existence of it.

  • Was It made In Wuhan in a lab?
  • Is it the deliberate work of the Chinese government or is it an honest mistake?
  • Is it the creation of the "Rockefellers"?
  • Is it Pharma manipulation?
  • Is it the creation of the Technology giants?
  • Is it our government?
  • Is it a preparedness strategy for the worst to come?
  • Is it a reset for the treasury to utilize its funding power?
  • Is it a price we are paying for abusing the environment and eating unhealthy food?
  • Is it a Godsend?

You hear these questions from all walks of life. Many believe that this wave will end with the election. My big question is who is going to be your hero that saves the day?

No matter what the causes of COVID-19 are, there is something that remains wholly true: People come together in hard times to overcome challenges. We begin to adapt, we begin to be creative, and ultimately invent ways to survive. Indeed, survival takes over in many shapes and forms.

Without a doubt, some industries are benefiting tremendously and taking advantage of the pandemic. We are seeing profiteering around the globe and the proverbial "rich getting richer." Some of us choose to focus on those who sacrifice their lives for others. The simple humanity that we see in the doctors who have already lost many nights for their patients. Or the nurses that watch over the elderly like an angel and keep smiles shining behind the masks. Only their eyes speak through the unknown. 


There are more heroes... 

The parents that have taken the extra steps to ensure their family is safe and healthy while creating an environment for their kids to continue life with some kind of normalcy. The neighbors who decided to care for the people next door or a friend who kept the line of communications open. Let's not forget the teachers who will cleverly find ways to give proper instruction to their students. There's the social worker exposing their lives but remaining on the job to keep the world running. What about the artists that are reflective of our daily lives and freedom of expression? And, how can we fail to mention the non-profit organizations who are caring for their members and community and are doing an extraordinary effort to feed and alleviate hunger?


There are heroes amongst us performing miracles every day. Who are they? What did they do? What sense of unselfishness they have acted upon that makes our world safer and worth fighting for? How many stories are out there that we may want to share for inspirations? So many I bet.

I serve on the ALO Cultural Foundation board of directors and so glad to see us focusing on supporting all these heroes with our COVID-19 Hero Awards initiative to recognize all these heroes. The ones who lost their jobs and volunteered because they know their time is well spent. They must be acknowledged. In tough times, little rewards can make a tremendous impact. Let us hear from you and share your stories. Tell us who made a difference. Nominate a friend, a family member, your teacher, it doesn't matter. Let the world know who the hero in your life is and give them the gift that they deserve.

To share your stories, tell us about someone who made a difference, or to support the effort, visit today.

Today, many questions remain but for now let's take a few moments to celebrate humanity.

Thursday, August 6, 2020

To All Angels: We Need Your Support.

To the angels around the world, we need your support.

You have all witnessed the horrifying explosion in Lebanon. A country where I lived my entire childhood in the middle of a civil war and compounded with conflicts with neighboring countries. I can tell you first hand that living in a war zone, chips away at every piece of your soul. You look up one day and you have been torn into shreds without realizing it.

I believe that humanity has no nationality. I believe that we are humans first. I believe boundaries are created by sick minds. How would you feel if you are victimized? How would you feel if your children's lives were taken? How would you feel if your voice was silenced? How would you feel if your dignity was violated? No one understands this until you are in the middle of it. I wish this on no one.

Why is it that we have to be cheap when people are suffering? 

The world is marching behind corrupted leaders that know no mercy. They have no idea of what real freedom and dignified living means. Why? Because they have not experienced any real suffering. Or maybe it is because their souls were borrowed by the devil for their insolent reactions to human anguish. Or perhaps they have so much hatred within them that ultimately blindsided the goodwill that we are all born with.

When are we going to wake up and make our world better? Feed the children so there is no hunger. Heal the wounds, both mental and physical. Focus on providing real solutions instead of spreading ill will and hatred.  

What is happening in Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, Egypt, Iraq and many African countries is nothing but a shameful spotlight to all the world leaders and the movers and shakers. Alleviating hunger, making sure that children are living a quality of life, are able to access, education, medications and shelter, and are safe in a loving home protected from the evils of poverty, trafficking, and subjugation is the responsibility of all of us. It's our responsibility despite our nationality.

The Lebanese people are hungry, sick, and traumatized. I know some might feel that Lebanon's undoing was brought on because of their internal corruption. The reality remains that we, as citizens of this Earth, all the same. I am Lebanese and through my non-profit, the ALO Cultural Foundation, we believe in helping everyone in need. Excluding someone because of the color of their skin or where they were born is never an option. We see you as you are, a beautiful soul that simply needs an opportunity to survive. Our hope is that everyone can speak their voice without judgement or consequence. 

Today, it is imperative that world leaders come together and recognize that some measure of reorganization must happen. Those with extreme wealth need to share somehow, some way. It's maddening to see millionaires and billionaires giving nothing to charitable endeavors, or only doing it for a tax break. Extreme wealth is a gift and should be shared This needs to be done without prejudice. Zero tolerance. Zero hunger. Zero unemployment. Zero sickness. Zero boundaries. One world, one nation, one people. 

Do you think we, as humans, are capable of such solutions where we look at each other with such transparency and with full collaboration?

Are we capable of being altruistic humans, if only for a day?

If so, let's work together toward this goal and vision. 

Join me and make this commitment for redemption.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Are We Prepared Post COVID?

Post-pandemic customer behaviors may never be the same.

Were we prepared for the pandemic? As I thought of this, seemingly a million questions leapt forward...

  • If Coronaviruses have been inflicting people's lives for years, shouldn't there have been be a public awareness campaigns prior to this pandemic?
  • Is this just a money grab for Big Pharma? Seemingly this is the one industry poised to make make. After all, this is the only industry who actually spent more on advertising during May and June while the rest of the industries reduced spending by upwards of 50 percent.
  • If COVID-19 has the potential of jumping from animals to human, shouldn't government and major health authorities have already possessed preparedness measures?
  • How could this virus be allowed to spread worldwide in secrecy and without any transparency?
  • Meat processing plans have been the flashpoint of many outbreaks (reportedly more than 20,000 cases), so why are we avoiding the clear facts and investigation on the subject?

The year 2020 will go down in history as one of the most dark days in the United States and the world. Surprisingly, whether the pandemic started in January or before, Coronaviruses have been lingering for a long time. This genome has taking lives in many ways and for too long. This has been allowed to fester in our world health issues despite the clinical references of the SARS and MERS outbreaks dating back to 2003.

So, were we prepared for it? Far from it.

In an unparalleled surprise, our lives have been impacted at all levels. Some may interpret it as an opportunity to prepare ourselves for how bad things might become in future months. Others are  managing our survival for optimal sustainability. There's also a third group that only cares about the the economy. These unprecedented times raise many questions about the lifestyle of the entire world. Are we ready to begin a serious discussion regarding a plague that could wipe out our entire world?

We have to take responsibility of our own actions toward the ecosystem we live with. We owe it to the environment and to the public. In our post-pandemic recovery (whenever it happens), I hope more of the media and ad agencies focus on public health through public awareness campaigns. They need to center in on best practices on the consumption of food, proper hygiene (not just washing hands), and security from a bioweapons attack, along with corporate and government social responsibilities.

We tend to forget quickly. Many are already trying to will this into a thing of the past and go on with their lives as if nothing happened. We may even find evidence that this whole pandemic was a hoax or even worse, a governmental conspiracy rooted in inflicting intentional harm. Whatever the facts are, or who's benefiting from its political outrage and economical richness, two things are true: over 150,000 US lives have been lost as we close in on 4.5 million US cases. But remains important is our united front, intellectual remedies, and clear messages that could lead to better understanding and cohesive voice to the public.

What's also important is remember those who are battling this day and night. To all of those who have sacrificed their lives and have made tremendous contribution to society during this pandemic. We salute you and we celebrate you. I have a wonderful forum to honor the heroes on all fronts.

Honoring heroes simply takes a backseat in our 24-hour news cycle. We are bombarded daily by political and hidden agendas filled with potential chaos within rapidly changing conditions calling us to "Divide and Conquer!" Who is benefiting from all this? I can list plenty of war profiteers, but this seems like the wrong place. It feels like some cold-hearted souls are sitting around a chess table wondering how this pandemic can stockpile up their bank accounts, how to get rid of the most vulnerable, and win elections. The real game is the one untold and some of America knows better. 

As we open our economy with some safety measures, we should keep in mind the risks and consequences of our actions in the midst of crisis and increases in COVID-19 cases. Businesses must take proactive steps with liability issues, employee interaction, limited production, and sales challenges due to the changing of customer behaviors. It is going take some strategic adjustments and reorganization to maintain successful outcomes. The key element is knowledge, because as the old saying goes, "Knowledge is Power." Having the right base of facts strengthens your focus and is the backbone of survival. Avoiding critical facts about the new business climate will surely create your own disaster. 

We need to start implementing solutions that are drastic and effective -- stimulus isn't enough. Businesses that are still floating will begin to feel the impact of the shutdown in the last quarter of the year. As a business consultant who has been in the marketing and advertising business for more than 30 years and outlived a war zone, I can easily say that this temporary relief is like a bandage. My prediction is that businesses will start feeling the economic pain this winter. I anticipate thirty per cent of businesses will go under unless an economic change shift to help small businesses get on the fast track of technology and online commerce. The second stimulus should be focused on revamping business operations, innovation strategies, and the re-hiring resources. 

Larger corporations should influence their supply chain to increase small business participation. They need to showcase their diversity and inclusion more than ever before through outreach and advertising. They have already stepped up in the early days of the pandemic with their heroes campaigns and spots. Big Pharma needs to already be thinking about public awareness campaigns that influence their constituency and commercials that focus on public health instead of peddling drugs. The government agencies need to stop hiding trues about our proteins. Campaigns directed at stopping the consumption of pork and regulate processing plants. Healthy food choices need to extend beyond the 1960s and 70s five basic food groups campaign. Demand intervention. There are rules and guidelines that have been ignored too long.

Because we think our freedoms include those bad choices no matter how harmful they are. We must begin to look at the big picture and remind ourselves of our priorities for future generations. No more herd mentality. We are not supposed to be sheep following policy that our elected officials made for us. This is why, today is crucial to put our differences aside, find a common goal and work together. 

Marketing and advertising in today's climate are the most important fields that will turn the economy around. Businesses will have to rethink their strategies, preparedness and the message they need to deliver to battle the economic downturns that await when the next stimulus runs out.

Monday, May 4, 2020

Say No to Poison. Say No to Pork

Meat processing plants share one thing in common. They are the flash points of some of all of the major outbreaks of COVID-19 cases and many inspectors have been diagnosed from exposures. Read some of the news that have alerting about the virus in meat processing plants:

The Guardian: The Chaotic and Crazy Meat Plants Around the World Struggle with Virus Outbreaks.

CBS News: US Meat Industry A Top Source of Most New COVID-19 Hot Spots

Pork is poison. So are all of the predators meat and scavenger meat that is being consumed worldwide.

The fact is that health organizations, political leaders, and the news continue to ignore the real issue here. From biblical times, it has been warned to avoid this type of food for consumption. Yet, the public and profiteers have disregarded the health consequences of consumption due to the unhealthy factors and genome that is inherent in these type of animals. 

Help raise awareness and let’s seek the truth. Scientists around the globe have noted that COVID-19 has the basic characteristics of both Covid2 and MEARS. What's worse is the virus keeps inventing itself. Many have theorized that the easiest way to halt the infectious breakouts now, and in the future, is to stop consuming swine, scavengers, and predators. 

The world can decide to stay in the dark, but the truth is going to remain that pork is poison and eating predators is going to continue increase the existence of deadly viruses until we stop and listen to the signs.

Voice your concern with this petition for the safety of our people, the planet, and the world. Help me raise awareness before we expedite the ruin of mankind. Let the pigs clean our planet and let’s clean our bodies from it. Let's focus on healthy food and consume only healthy meat from herbivores.

Say NO to Poison. Say NO to Pork.

Say NO to Predators and Scavengers.

See more updates here.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


In order to keep up with brand consistency and elevate brand recognition, we recommend that our clients undertake an annual assessment of brand. At Unique Image, Inc., we understand the new normalcy of today’s digital and online traffic. It is critical that we evaluate our client’s online presence, messaging strategies and creative. Our long standing track record of brand analysis has helped our clients achieve the highest level of branding for nearly twenty years.

To underscore our commitment to quality branding, we are offering a free digital footprint and website consultation. Beginning March 30th, prospective clients will receive a broad overview of their online brand, along with recommendations on suggested improvements.

Interested companies are welcome send us their website address / social media link(s) for our immediate review here. For a consultation, contact us at

Tuesday, December 24, 2013


1-     Think big and write down your most 10 ideal situations for the year in all aspects of life. 
2- Plan each goal in an approachable way and estimate the time and effort that will take to reach your desirable goal. 
3- Suggest plan B and write down the challenges and how you can turn them into opportunities. Defeat your fear with practice, confidence and determination.
4- Look into your network – eliminate those who drag you down and focus on those who will push you forward toward achievement
5- Surround yourself with partners that appreciate your craft
6- See the end result in your mind. If you see it you will make it happen
7- Elevate your brand and your image. Most people ignore the quality of their brands. Don’t jeopardize it with unsuitable look. 
8- Organize your mind, surroundings, contacts and schedule. Your entire life will change
9- Save, invest and grow your financial strength by following a trend/schedule – save with each check you earn the same amount every time and place into an IRA account 
10- Believe and follow your dreams. Wake up every day with energy, hope and commitment to go through your day with optimistic spirit, award yourself with something daily for a great end of the day accomplishment no matter how challenged the day is. Eat well, exercise and sleep well. Give yourself time to think and thank.